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Left Salutes Nazis?
Published on February 4, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Some members of the liberal media have really gone off the deep end!  not just for a short swim, but jumped in over their heads!

Chris Matthews stated the hug between the soldier's mom and the Iraqi woman was staged, even tho no one else (besides Ron Reagan) seemed to agre.  I guess he thinks it was staged because that is what democrats do for the camera.  Stage events (Bill Clintons Smile turned Upside down, Dancing on the beach, Al Gore's Kiss, etc.).  While Matthews is supposed to be a journalist, it is apparent he is just a mouthpiece for liberals.  And some one on this site tried to suggest MSNBC was not liberal?  Try convincing morons, because any sane rational person is going to laugh in your face.

next we have the lowest form of hate speech, from the left as usual! Janeane Garofolo compared the Iraqi purple fingers to a Nazi Salute.  She is beneath contempt!  To cheapen the holocaust that way and then to compare them to Republicans shows that the loony loopy luddite liberals have no decency or respect for victims of a true horror.  She cheapened their memory with her salute and idiotic words.

Liberals, now do you see why you have to denounce clowns like these?  Do you really want to be grouped in the same group with the likes of a nazi Saluting, moronic member of the leftist media?  And if you believe the hug was staged, as I am sure many members of DU do, I got some lake front property in Florida for you.  It does not come with a septic system, as cess pools dont need them.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 04, 2005
I'll denounce clowns like Matthews, if only because of the soft ball questions he asked Bush in their "interview." I'll also continue to denounce clowns like you see liberal boogeymen everywhere. Look out behind you!

on Feb 04, 2005
P.S. With the past staging of photos -- the famous Iwo Jima flag raising, the look-alike WTC flag raising, the pulling down of some Saddam Statues -- I think it's natural to question the "candid" quality of a shot.
on Feb 04, 2005

I heard Matthews say this on the the show too. This isn't a "Liberal Boogeymen" thing, Matthews tore into it the first chance he got, saying it would be very relevant if it were staged and it should be discussed. It was an asinine thing to say with no proof, and had O'Reilly said something of the sort they would be tearing him a new hole.

on Feb 04, 2005

I heard Matthews say this on the the show too. This isn't a "Liberal Boogeymen" thing, Matthews tore into it the first chance he got, saying it would be very relevant if it were staged and it should be discussed. It was an asinine thing to say with no proof, and had O'Reilly said something of the sort they would be tearing him a new hole.

Matthews has gone from reporting the news to trying to make it.  He is a sad excuse for a news person, and one of the prime reasons MSNBC is in last place.

on Feb 04, 2005
I have always thought of Matthews as a bit of a hack, but to say that it's just the left who "Stages" photo ops is pretty naive. It's been going on since the camera was invented.

Another example of this was when Reagan was shot and they put makeup on him and propped him up so they could shoot pics and say everything was ok, when the man was seriously wounded and practically at deaths door.

Staging photo ops is part of the american political landscape folks. face it!
on Feb 04, 2005
Matthews is a blowhard, and I have just as much respect for him as I do Bill O'Reilly. Which is to say: none.
on Feb 04, 2005

Another example of this was when Reagan was shot and they put makeup on him and propped him up so they could shoot pics and say everything was ok, when the man was seriously wounded and practically at deaths door.

I would not call that a staged shot, as more of a symbol to America that he would be ok.  Any President that is shot frightens the country and some amount of reassurance is needed.

That being said, I will agree that there are many staged shots on both sides, but then it is a bit far fetched to watch a spontaneous event and call it a staged shot.

I am glad to see that Matthews is a spokesman for the left in his mind only, as well!

on Feb 04, 2005
Dr. Guy >> It might surprise you that many of the so-called "liberal voices" annoy the hell out of me. Janeanne Garofalo being #1 on that list, followed closely by Paul Begala and Alan Colmes. The only "liberal" voices I can read regularly are Molly Ivins and Paul Krugman (and yes, I like Noam Chomsky and Michael Moore, although Noam is much more honest). But the majority of the "Air America" folks and the blowdried liberals of MSNBC, CNN, et al. are as distasteful to me as their conservative counterparts.


(p.s. Even if it was staged, it's still an iraqi woman hugging a soldier)
on Feb 04, 2005

I don't think or feel that it was staged, and I find it typical of Matthews to suggest that it was. 

It was moving; it was appropriate, and I don't think the tears that ran down those women's faces were staged.  Even if it was a photo-op, it was a hell of a good one.



on Feb 04, 2005

It was moving; it was appropriate, and I don't think the tears that ran down those women's faces were staged. Even if it was a photo-op, it was a hell of a good one.

Life sometimes presents itself with unique opportunities for the camera.  It was an excellant photo, but they happen frequently in life, if one has the Camera to capture them!

on Feb 04, 2005
Guy, if they put makeup on someone and prop them up for a picture when they are barely conscious, its staged...Sorry.

It's not like Ronnie had any say in it.
on Feb 04, 2005
I don't know if the Iraqi woman pic was staged or not. Just for clarification. But it was a good pic.
on Feb 04, 2005

Guy, if they put makeup on someone and prop them up for a picture when they are barely conscious, its staged...Sorry.

It's not like Ronnie had any say in it.

Let me re-phrase then.  It was not a shot to bolster the status of Reagan (as most staged shots are meant to bolster the stager), but to bolster the morale of Americans.


on Feb 05, 2005
Their presence was "staged" - the tears and the hug were not, plain as day.

Matthews is a disgrace to suspect for a moment that the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq 3 months ago would knowingly participate in a choreographed political stunt. Memo to Matthews: The election was last November. Someone won it. His name is Bush.

on Feb 06, 2005

Memo to Matthews: The election was last November. Someone won it. His name is Bush.


Memo to Matthews.  Learn English too!

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