Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
A dog ate the world’s most important scientific measurement homework.
Published on January 12, 2010 By Dr Guy In Politics

By now, anyone with even a passing fancy to the Anthropogenic Global Warming debate has heard of the infamous hockey stick graph. This was a graph, originally created by Michael Mann that showed that man was cooking the planet.  It was the basis for virtually all the proof that the AGW proponents put forward that we were doomed unless we dumped all technology and reverted to prehistoric days.

The problem with the graph is that it is a lie.  At best it was a product of flawed science.  At worse, it is outright deception and fraud.

The original graph came from Bristlecone Pine Trees.  But the method of research was suspect and Steve McIntyre wanted to check the statistical science of it.  For 3 years he attempted to get the raw data before he was successful.  After demonstrating that the deck was stacked and that the graph had no basis in reality: “The United States National Academy of Sciences announced that, bristlecone pines should no more be used as proof of climate change”.(1)

Not satisfied with this embarrassment, the IPCC then went to one of its own, Keith Briffa who came up with the same graph, but with different trees.  As with Michael Mann before him, Briffa refused to release his raw data until he made a mistake.  He published in a journal that required he make it public.  And McIntyre then was able to analyze the data for that graph.

And the results were surprising.  It was determined that Briffa had stacked the deck on the data and used only 3 trees in Siberia for his studies.  Before McIntyre could embarrass Briffa however, he had switched to a new source of data – 10 trees in the Yamal Peninsula of Siberia.  But McIntyre and now a new partner, Ross McKitrick, were able to get the data and analyze it as well.  Their first reaction was that 10 was far too small a sample to be statistically significant.  But beyond that, they found that when the sample of trees were increased to 34, the graph changed dramatically!

What the larger sampled showed was no global warming and definitely no hockey stick!  But the fraud was not over.

The IPCC decided to go to Finland and enlist the aid of Finnish Climatologists.  They extracted mud samples from a lake, Korttajärvi.  The researchers then took this data back to the IPCC, and lo and behold, the data was turned upside down!  Literally!

While the science of AGW is still very much in debate (much to the consternation of Al Gore, Pachauri and their ilk), one thing is undeniable.  The basic science, illuminated by the East Anglia Climategate emails and source code, that is the underpinning of the AGW Political movement is a fraud.  And until the scientists of Climatology start cleaning up their house, there is no credibility in anything they say.  Simply put the key players – as demonstrated by the CRU emails – have lied, distorted, practiced bad science and committed outright fraud to advance a position that is not yet supported by science or the evidence used to come to their conclusions.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 12, 2010

Global Conspiracy? How dare you.

on Jan 12, 2010

Global Conspiracy? How dare you.

I do not think that, nor does this article allege that.  It is a conspiracy - by a select few (probably fewer then 2 dozen) Climatologists.  The problem with all conspiracies however is that the more people in it, and the bolder they are, the harder it is to keep them together.  This one is unraveling because it is not a global conspiracy (except among key politicians).  But even then (among politicians) we see it unraveling.  Already Gore is being scorned and ridiculed and it will just get worse.  For while Jones, Mann, Briffa, et. al. were looking for a few bucks and some recognition, Gore's avarice is almost unparalleled!  He south to become the most richest man in the world by controlling a new religion - a global one.  With any luck, he soon will be behind bars for his fraud and malfeasance.

on Jan 12, 2010

I do not think that, nor does this article allege that. It is a conspiracy - by a select few (probably fewer then 2 dozen) Climatologists.

Select few conspiracy? How dare you?

I figured if I touched on the "Global Conspiracy" thing first we could prevent someone else from cracking on the concept.

on Jan 12, 2010

You're giving the debunkers a headache, Dr. Guy.

on Jan 12, 2010

Though I don't see it as a "global conspiracy", I do see how statistical data and other information that is purposely skewed at the source, to generate a pre-conceived result, and then used for further research conducted by other, more ethical, scientists, could certainly make it seem so.

It makes me wonder how the real conspiracists slept at night; with the shaky foundation of lies and manipulation this whole thing sits upon, and their reputations and livelihoods resting with it.....Nytol must be making a fortune from them.

Were they so very nerdy, so dorky, so alone at the cafeteria table? So chafed from wedgies, soaked from swirlies, and bruised from being stuffed in lockers? So desperately horny because they couldn't get chicks due to their "Star Trek" or "Star Wars" fetishes, that they felt the need to perpetrate this deception, to get the attention and adulation they craved? How sad.......

Poor science geeks; are the people who snuck into the White House dinner climatologists? How about "Balloon Boy's" parents?

That's how we'll get them to give it all up---offer them a reality show! We can call it "Big Blather".

on Jan 12, 2010

Very interesting video Doc!

What I've never understood is this: the earth is 4.5 billion years old; it's been 2.5 million years since the appearance of the genus Homo; thermometer-based recorded temperatures go back at most 150 years; most people are lucky to live for 100 years - and we think that we know what's happening to the climate by looking at even 1000-year trends?

Sheesh! Even going back over the 2.5 million years since our ancestors started to roam the earth would suggest that we look at a minimum of 10,000 year intervals.

I'd say that the best way to describe the earth's climate is that it is always in a state of flux.

on Jan 13, 2010


Select few conspiracy? How dare you?[/quote]

I know.  Torquemada has already paid me a visit.

[quote who="Daiwa" reply="4" id="2505225"]You're giving the debunkers a headache, Dr. Guy.

Debunkers?  I really hate that word, as they are not debunking anything.  There is nothing to debunk!  Itis an open question that needs to be researched, investigated and studied - scientifically!  But the religious zealots refuse to allow that to happen.  They do not fear what is (as nothing is yet), but what may be.

I was expecially amused by MF's shooting the messenger on the Video I posted of Lord Monckton.  The video had him asking questions of a member of greenpeace and then citing chapter and verse why she was wrong.  Instead of answering those questions with opposing data (perhaps there is no opposing data), MF then shoots Monckton!  Never denying the content of the article.

on Jan 13, 2010


Though I don't see it as a "global conspiracy", I do see how statistical data and other information that is purposely skewed at the source, to generate a pre-conceived result, and then used for further research conducted by other, more ethical, scientists, could certainly make it seem so.

The dirty little secret is that it does not have to be a large conspiracy.  For the simple reason that all the sources they use are based upon the same historical (and as we see, erroroneous) data!  So of course all the others are going to come to the same conclusion.  They were spoonfed the same tricked data!

The conspiracy invoves just the creators of the historical hoax (the elimination of the MWP and LIA).  Unfortunately, those events transcend climatology and the scientists (the real scientists) involved with those events do not like being told they do not know what they are talking about.  Mann, Jones, et. al. overstepped their range when they told all the other disciplines they were ignorant.


What I've never understood is this: the earth is 4.5 billion years old; it's been 2.5 million years since the appearance of the genus Homo; thermometer-based recorded temperatures go back at most 150 years; most people are lucky to live for 100 years - and we think that we know what's happening to the climate by looking at even 1000-year trends?

I understand it.  It is man's hatred of the unknown.  In old times, most of the unknown was explained by "God's Will", but man has grown beyond that to now look to science to explain.  So we try to reason on what is happening with incomplete data, and then extrapolate that which we do not know.  And as we see, at times, that causes people to commit fraud and perjury when they make a mistake and try to cover it up.  I beleive in time, we will know, with probably 80% certainty, the true history of the planet.  But we will never know (barring a time machine) the facts as science defines facts.

Sheesh! Even going back over the 2.5 million years since our ancestors started to roam the earth would suggest that we look at a minimum of 10,000 year intervals.

You hit on the reason it does not work that way.  Someone projecting out 10k years, will never hear the words "Schlem is right!", only history will record it.  So they want to hear it today, and so make shorter projections.

I'd say that the best way to describe the earth's climate is that it is always in a state of flux.

You just hit on the achillees heel of the hockey stick!  If they had been more honest, no one would have probably thought to question them (even McIntyre admits he believes AGW is happening).  But by showing NO change over the last 1000 years (until now), they betrayed one of the maxims of life - nothing stays the same, life/history is constant change.

on Jan 13, 2010

I may be wrong, but I believe McIntyre believes GW is happening - not necessarily AGW, however.

on Jan 13, 2010

I may be wrong, but I believe McIntyre believes GW is happening - not necessarily AGW, however.

You may be right and I just assumed in error. I will recheck my source.  Thanks

on Jan 13, 2010

Far as I know, also, he stands by his critique of the statistical models used by Mann, et al.

As for the term 'debunkers' - they throw labels around mindlessly, so...

on Jan 13, 2010

also, he stands by his critique of the statistical models used by Mann, et al.

Oh very much so!  I just read today where Climategate was not outed by those opposed to the hypothesis of AGW, but what are now being called "Luke Warmers".  Those that think it has been blown out of proportion.  But to the AGW religious, all are lumped into their quaint labels and denigrated accordingly.

on Jan 14, 2010

Were they so very nerdy, so dorky, so alone at the cafeteria table? So chafed from wedgies, soaked from swirlies, and bruised from being stuffed in lockers? So desperately horny because they couldn't get chicks due to their "Star Trek" or "Star Wars" fetishes, that they felt the need to perpetrate this deception, to get the attention and adulation they craved? How sad.......

Poor science geeks; are the people who snuck into the White House dinner climatologists? How about "Balloon Boy's" parents?

This fraud was perpetuated by hippy-communists who want to dismantle our economy for their green delusions.

It is real scientists (aka "nerds") who are proving them to liars and frauds.

on Jan 14, 2010

It is real scientists (aka "nerds") who are proving them to liars and frauds.

Very True!  And they are also the ones being vilified by the religious zealots, trying every trick in the book to discredit them.

on Jan 15, 2010

Requires some stamina to get through, but this severely undermines the whole notion of CO2 as a 'greenhouse' gas.

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