Joeuser has had a lot of people posting very unkind (and that is being kind) things about Sarah Palin. It seems that every time they come up with something to bolster their hate (bias) of her, someone else has to come up with the truth. MOre often than not the perpetrator will not believe it, and deny it (they still deny that Joe the Plumber is named Joe and is a Plumber).
Adding to the long list of "I hate her so I will believe anything about her" lines on Palin is Africa. Not surprisingly, MSNBC was the original dupee, but that did not stop the lemmings from running to their defense (and their own demise on credibility). YOu may read the link, or you can deny it. But right now, all it does by propigating it is show your mysogony. For in the end, the only thing that they accused her of - that was true - was that Sarah Palin really was a she.
These days, you cant always tell even with a score card.