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Spred YOUR Wealth
Published on October 31, 2008 By Dr Guy In Democrat

By now, every one who has not been living on a disappearing iceberg, knows about Obama and his run in with Joe the Plumber.  An average guy in almost every respect save one - he actually confronted Obama.  With why Obama was trying to deny him the American Dream.  Obama's response has become a rallying cry for republicans:


"I just want you to be clear – it’s not that I want to punish your success – I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you – that they’ve got a chance at success too.”

He wants everybody behind you to have a chance at success too (just not you).  Perhaps less well known is an additional comment he made to Joe that same day:

…"when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody."

Spread the wealth around.  A noble concept worthy of Marx or Engels.  ANd one many are yelling about all over the world (because the messiah said it).  But is it true?  Does Obama really beleive that is a good idea?

Depends upon how you look at it.  If you are talking about his money, now way Jose!  Obama has gotten rich by doing what?  Being a community organizer (Yea, like Jesus got rich, right? HaHa).  But it is his money to do with as he wants to.  Like sharing.  Yea, he wants to share our money, so he must be sharing his money, right?

LIke George.  HIs brother in Kenya - he shared his money, right?  No, George does not want any of that money - or so he was told to say.  How about that dear aunt he wrote about in his memoirs?  Must have shared with her, right?

Want to buy a bridge in brooklyn?

Zeituni Onyango, the aunt so affectionately described in Obama's best-selling memoir "Dreams fFrom My Father," lives in a disabled-access flat on a rundown public housing estate in South Boston.

Seems Obama does not care for that Aunt so much after all!

But what about his Uncle?  Must have taken care of him right?  Sure!  Want some lake front property in Florida?

A second relative believed to be the long-lost "Uncle Omar" described in the book was beaten by armed robbers with a "sawed-off rifle" while working in a corner shop in the Dorchester area of the city. He was later evicted from his one-bedroom apartment for failing to pay $2,324.20 in bills, according to the Boston Housing Court.

Two thousand dollars.  Obama could not spare a couple of thousand out of his millions.

So what "wealth" does Obama want to share? Not his surely.  With a few hundred dollars in charitable donations over the past several years, even as he managed to acquire millions (from Rezko perhaps?), Obama does not like to spread his wealth.

Like most liberals, we see that their charity is taking money from YOUR pocket and giving to others.  While they keep their OWN money.  After all, Charity does not begin at home, but at the IRS.

What a great example we have of unbridled greed and avarice.  And we have 4 years of his hands in our back pockets to look forward to. 

That is Democrat, not Republican for all the bots out there.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 31, 2008

I say if people are too blind to see the reality behind Obama because they are paying more attention to Bush and the fact that his days are numbered, then they deserve Obama. It's a shame others will pay the price for their ignorance but then that seems to be part of this countries values as well.

I say lets punish the rich, make them pay more why we pay less, which according to Biden, makes me unpatriotic. I'll take Obama's victory as a 4 year smack in the face in the hopes it will knock some sense into people. I can only pray it works, and I can only hope the damage will be little.

on Oct 31, 2008

I say if people are too blind to see the reality behind Obama because they are paying more attention to Bush and the fact that his days are numbered, then they deserve Obama. It's

I say that is cutting off your nose to spite your face - which I will probably do by not voting for McCain.  Sometimes you have to show people what BAD really is.

on Oct 31, 2008

You guys are silly.  Obama is calling for anything that is too radical.  Bush pushed the deregulation and attempting to create a flat or even regressive tax structure too far.  Taxes aren't only about lowering or raising, but about having the RIGHT structure.  If you guys think the Republicans who ran congress when Clinton was president were socialists then go ahead and make this argument. 

on Oct 31, 2008


on Oct 31, 2008

You guys are silly. Obama is calling for anything that is too radical. Bush pushed the deregulation and attempting to create a flat or even regressive tax structure too far. Taxes aren't only about lowering or raising, but about having the RIGHT structure. If you guys think the Republicans who ran congress when Clinton was president were socialists then go ahead and make this argument.

Silly?  This is not about the republican congress, or Bush and his tax cut (regressive?  Pulease!  The rich pay 90+% now - after the tax cut).  This is about Obama and his wanting to "spread the wealth". Yet he will not even spreAd it to his own family!

I think that is called hypocrite.  We may be silly, but then your messiah is a hypocrite.  The last thing he "shared" was a PB&J sandwich.

on Oct 31, 2008

Don't forget DrGuy, he claims he will fix the country but currently his campaign management is preparing to tell all those who voted for him that not everything he promised will come true.

Obama Lays Plans to Kill Expectations After Election Victory

on Oct 31, 2008

Obama has a ten-year payment plan for his expenses. Do the math. He's in probably four, maybe eight, maybe even less, and he's planned for ten years of debt.

on Oct 31, 2008

Ok.... now listen for the sound of mass ear plugging by the obama crowd.

on Oct 31, 2008

Ok.... now listen for the sound of mass ear plugging by the obama crowd.
And miss the sound of all the anguish that the right is going through? Hardly.


on Nov 01, 2008

All taxation is basically spreading the wealth, its not a radical or novel idea. the McCain campaign just wants to try to make it sound scary. And as far as "Joe the Plumber" he is a normal guy which is why he wouldn't see a tax raise under Obama's proposed plan (he actually makes closer to 40k a year) and if he did make 280k a year as he claimed then the higher tax rate would only be on the 30k income earned over the quarter a mil he is taking home. And no, I don't feel bad for people making over a quarter million dollars, and no progressive tax programs don't make people not want to earn over a quarter million dollars.

on Nov 02, 2008


All taxation is basically spreading the wealth, its not a radical or novel idea. the McCain campaign just wants to try to make it sound scary. And as far as "Joe the Plumber" he is a normal guy which is why he wouldn't see a tax raise under Obama's proposed plan (he actually makes closer to 40k a year) and if he did make 280k a year as he claimed then the higher tax rate would only be on the 30k income earned over the quarter a mil he is taking home. And no, I don't feel bad for people making over a quarter million dollars, and no progressive tax programs don't make people not want to earn over a quarter million dollars.




No, it simply discourages people from starting businesses and encourages large businesses to break camp and set up in another country.

Nice attempt at double talk btw.

on Nov 02, 2008

All taxation is basically spreading the wealth, its not a radical or novel idea.

No, it's not, and yes, it is.  If you tax equally(percentage wise) from everybody and use money only for the true public good, like the miliary, road maintenance and such, then you are most definitely not redistributing wealth from anyone to anyone.  In fact, in the Constitution before certain amendments, it lays out that you can't tax people based on how much they make.  You couldn't consider the individual taxpayer in any way.  What went for one had to go for all.  The idea of taxing the richest and giving away the money to the poorest is a fairly recent idea.

And as far as "Joe the Plumber" he is a normal guy which is why he wouldn't see a tax raise under Obama's proposed plan (he actually makes closer to 40k a year) and if he did make 280k a year as he claimed then the higher tax rate would only be on the 30k income earned over the quarter a mil he is taking home.

Actually, just last week Biden lowered it to 150k.  They keep changing the amount, lowering it actually.  The fact that you are gullible enough to believe these people, when liberals have a history of promising not to tax certain groups and then doing it anyway, is more than I am capable of understanding.

And no, I don't feel bad for people making over a quarter million dollars, and no progressive tax programs don't make people not want to earn over a quarter million dollars.

It certainly lessens the benefits of doing so.  More than the individual, consider the impact on small buisinesses.  250k without any taxes is only enough to hire 5 people at 50k a year, and that's without considering even one expense.  In reality it means that if you have a small business and actually hire people, you are in trouble.  When Joe the plumber talked about 250k, it was in context of him possibly buying the buisiness he works at.

on Nov 03, 2008

And no, I don't feel bad for people making over a quarter million dollars, and no progressive tax programs don't make people not want to earn over a quarter million dollars.

I don't "feel bad" for them either -- it's not about feelings, it's about facts.

The fact is that "high wage earners" -- which is being conveniently redefined lower and lower as we approach Tuesday the 4th -- are those professionals and small business owners who drive the economy. Tax them higher and everybody suffers:

1) They pass on their higher expenses to their customers. I pay more at the store, not a tax on me but on those who create and produce for my consumption.

2) They lay off workers. Small businesses are the engine of the US economy, the most vibrant and economically powerful tier of small business of any nation in the world.  Talk about killing the golden goose.

Would you rather have a job or a handout?

on Nov 03, 2008

Obama Lays Plans to Kill Expectations After Election Victory

Cant say he is not learning - straight from the clinton play book!

on Nov 03, 2008

Obama has a ten-year payment plan for his expenses. Do the math. He's in probably four, maybe eight, maybe even less, and he's planned for ten years of debt.

That is the biggest non-news.  Democrats only demonize republican deficits not their own.

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