Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
To Spite Your Face
Published on February 1, 2008 By Dr Guy In Current Events

In what can only be described of another example of political correctness gone stupid (as if the movement itself was not example enough of that), San Jose State University has banned all blood drives.  Is the why even important? (Because the FDA prohibits gay people from donating.)

Now personally I think the ban is stupid.  And should they want to demonstrate against it, write letters to congressmen/women or call the clowns who make the rules boobs, I will be on the front lines with them.  It is stupid!  Where I work there are about 900 people, and each blood drive garners about 40 pints.  Less than 5%.  Automatically disallowing any segment of the population from giving is stupid as not enough can or will give.  But that is beside the point.

Barring donations is akin to starving yourself because you don't like milk!  These donations go to anonymous donors who may be gay, black, white, chartreuse or green.  The recipients only have one thing in common.  A need for blood to live.  And these jerks at SJSU are denying these innocent people that gift.  Denying them perhaps a chance to live.  Because of a stupid idiot that thinks by denying the supply of blood they are going to affect some faceless bureaucrats in Washington.

What is even more saddening perhaps are the supposed "intelligent" students who support the idiocy.  "Yea, he is standing on principal!".  What principal?  The Red Cross and other Blood collecting agencies are not making the rules (and indeed are trying to get them changed).  The victims in need of the blood are not making the rules.  The only people making the rules are those that are really unaffected by the donations.  The idiots running the university, and the idiots in Washington.  But none of those (hopefully) will ever suffer due to their own stupidity.  But many innocents may.

Standing on principal is fine, if you are standing against the right people.  Cutting off your nose because you do not like your nose job, however, is just stupid. But given the climate in this country today, I wonder how many have even enough brains to figure out just how stupid they are being.  They may claim to be standing on principal, but in reality they are just mean, spiteful, hateful idiots.  Who are hurting a lot of innocent people through their stupidity.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Feb 06, 2008
It is far from the "honor system". Every pint of blood is sealed with a UPC that is registered with the donor's name and SSN. That UPC stays with the sample from the donation to the recipient. If a sample is found to be tainted for any reason, the donor is known. If the donor lied they can be charged, especially if anyone was infected or killed because of it.

"IF" it is tainted. However, if it is not, they do not know. That is the honor system. You do not have to submit to a background check. As long as the person is clean, they (the blood service) will never know if you are a franciscan monk, or a Drag queen.

So it is an honor system as long as the tests are negative.
on Feb 06, 2008
Ok, it's a "Trust, but verify" thing. :~D
on Feb 06, 2008

not to forget people like KFC who continue to propagate stupidities and ignorance about some people's birthbeing on the guise of "free speech"

I dont see the connection, or even understand that one.

KFC wrote an article about this with the title "University Bows To Homosexual Pressure", which is, as you know, completely wrong. Homosexuals had nothing to do with the decision the University made and this is obvious if you read the article. Of course, she didn't provide a link to it, but paraphrased for her own agenda.
on Feb 06, 2008
Actually it does not ask that, it asks if you have had sex with a man, even once, since 1977.

Was 1977 a queer year?  

They ask all sorts of questions about sexual practice... and rightly so.

"So do you like doggy style?"
"Excuse me!"
"Just answer the question, Sir."

but paraphrased for her own agenda.

Which appears to be: "The gays are going to get us."   


on Feb 06, 2008

KFC wrote an article about this with the title "University Bows To Homosexual Pressure", which is, as you know, completely wrong. Homosexuals had nothing to do with the decision the University made and this is obvious if you read the article. Of course, she didn't provide a link to it, but paraphrased for her own agenda.

Thanks.  I read the article after I wrote the response.  Not sure it is accurate, but Cikomyr is entitled to his opinion.  I dont happen to share KFC's views on this, but at least we do agree that the university is being stupid about it.

on Feb 06, 2008

"So do you like doggy style?"
"Excuse me!"
"Just answer the question, Sir."

Actually the questions are answered on a sheet of paper, and then a nurse/Phlebotomist reviews them.  Or at least that was the way it was until they moved to the new building.  now it is ALL on computer!  21st century.

on Feb 06, 2008
but Cikomyr is entitled to his opinion

which one?
on Feb 07, 2008
not to forget people like KFC who continue to propagate stupidities and ignorance about some people's birthbeing on the guise of "free speech"

which one?

HOw her article relates to free speech. I just saw it as a rant (similar to mine) about the idiocy of a University. She and I do not agree on homosexuality, but that was tangental to the main point.
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