Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

Based upon some examples, not time management or personal responsibility.  From UMass, we get this petulant tripe:

This Andrew Card fiasco is really beginning to get on my nerves. I've had to spend the last couple of weeks attending meetings and rallies, as well as signing petitions to try to convince you that your decision (rather, your recommendation to the Board of Trustees) to award a prominent war criminal an honorary degree was "wrong." I have schoolwork to do, I have a new baby son I should be spending time with, but instead I have to waste my time making a public case that you - as an intelligent and supposedly moral man - have made a very bad mistake in giving an honorary degree to a very bad man.

Schoolwork (that must not be the reason for going to college), and a new baby (bet he never heard of abstinence either).

Neglecting both for what?  To protest the War? No.

Feed the Hungry? No

Cloth the poor? No.

For what?  To object to some bozo getting a piece of paper that means squat.

Great set or priorities, eh?

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 20, 2007
If not then why is it unacceptable for politics and humanities students to get involved in the college's political life?

Um, Cacto, where did anyone say it was wrong? Perhaps a re-reading would indicate that no one said he was wrong for protesting (just stupid for protesting something so trivial).

Now, if you check real close, here let me help you

have schoolwork to do, I have a new baby son I should be spending time with, but instead I have to waste my time making a public case

You will see that the issue is not what he can do (because he obviously is doing it), but his PRIORITIES.

Great set or priorities, eh?

on May 20, 2007
It's not about getting involved being politically acceptable. It's about differentiating between obligations and desires. This student clearly has it backwards.

And Cacto can argue that. As you are right, it is the point of this article.
on May 20, 2007
What, do you think students are incapable of politician-style hypocrisy and absurdities?

Slight difference there as well. We pay politicians for that idiocy. HE is PAYING to do it. If I am paying for something, I want to make damn sure I am going to get my money's worth.

Oh, and one other thing. WHile I suspect that some politicians neglect their families, at least in this country, none are STUPID enough to admit it.

Best to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than open it and have it proven.
on May 20, 2007
(Citizen)cactoblastaMay 20, 2007 20:11:52

If Card was an Anti-American war protesting pig of a human that hated all things American, except his paycheck of course.. then the students and faculty would be shouting high praises that He finally got the recognition he deserved.

Sure, Mod, that's exactly what would happen.

you do not {as usual} have a clue how liberal American colleges are or how Liberal the faculty is. NOT A CLUE!! BUT THEN EVEN IF YOU DID you would still be making asinine remarks about things you know nothing about.

Conservative speakers at campuses get shouted down, attacked with pies, and made to leave so a riot does not ensue { I am sure this makes you happy being a fair minded free speech kind of guy { bahahahahahahaha While liberal speakers are never disrespected on campuses by conservative students. But then how would you know this? you just parrot some kind of socialist line jambalaya crap.
on May 20, 2007
(Citizen)Dr GuyMay 20, 2007 20:26:15Reply #18

Best to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than open it and have it proven.

while doc guy said this CACTO, YOU would be smart to follow this advice.
on May 21, 2007

Conservative speakers at campuses get shouted down, attacked with pies, and made to leave so a riot does not ensue { I am sure this makes you happy being a fair minded free speech kind of guy { bahahahahahahaha While liberal speakers are never disrespected on campuses by conservative students. But then how would you know this? you just parrot some kind of socialist line jambalaya crap.

I can see you've pigeonholed me, but once again let me remind you that I've never claimed (or, so far as I'm aware, acted as if) I'm in favour of listening respectfully to every piece of claptrap some retard in a suit spouts.

In fact I'm all in favour of public figures being attacked with pies. By making our public figures ridiculous we make them human. A tyrant can never exist where the people think their leaders worthy of ridicule rather than fear.

I'd be happier if the Michael Moores and (insert other leftist American of your choice here) were also hit with pies, but conservatives seem to have a foolish tendency to get angry rather than to go for practical jokes, so that doesn't seem to happen much (can anyone even name a funny right-wing satire?)

while doc guy said this CACTO, YOU would be smart to follow this advice.

I've never ever agreed with that philosophy. It might be better for me personally, but the world will never be a better place to live if we hide our stupid thoughts until we're in power. No, we should say exactly what we think whenever we think it so that everyone has our true measure. If I'm a fool, I'm a fool. That doesn't worry me. I'd rather be known to be a fool then pretend to be respectable and then, because I'm improperly given authority as a result of my mere seeming foolishness, stuff up big time and hurt others in the process.
on May 21, 2007
I'd be happier if the Michael Moores and (insert other leftist American of your choice here) were also hit with pies, but conservatives seem to have a foolish tendency to get angry rather than to go for practical jokes, so that doesn't seem to happen much (can anyone even name a funny right-wing satire?)

MM is right in you have no conception of what passes for academia here in the states. For if what you would like to see were to happen (and I do agree that it does make them seem more human when taken in a spirit of fun - oh were that to be true in the intent it is actually done), then the media and the pundits would be screaming "Baby killers", "Hate mongers", "Intolerant bigots", (insert your own epitaph here). When it is done for those on the right, the media does try to portray it that way, but again the perpetrators cannot follow the maxim:

Best to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than open it and have it proven.

And destroy any thought that it was a playful event by spewing hate, mayhem and vitriol to defend their actions.

No, we should say exactly what we think whenever we think it so that everyone has our true measure. If I'm a fool, I'm a fool.

I heard a remark recently that went basically like this.

The problem with free speech can be seen with the law of supply and demand. There is an overabundance of supply, and not that much demand.

So while you have every right to advocate adding to the supply, and polluting the airwaves, the more supply you produce, the less effect it will have. And the lower the quality, the less it is valued. The very reason that so few are going to listen to you (the you in the sense of anyone who thinks that their dulcet tones are music to the ears of the masses) is that there is an oversupply of empty rhetoric that has the quality of a 5 year old throwing a tantrum.

on May 21, 2007
The very reason that so few are going to listen to you (the you in the sense of anyone who thinks that their dulcet tones are music to the ears of the masses) is that there is an oversupply of empty rhetoric that has the quality of a 5 year old throwing a tantrum.

I'm a fine man. Like any fine wine I'm not for everyone.
on May 21, 2007
I'm a fine man. Like any fine wine I'm not for everyone.

That you are! Just do not be served before your time.
on May 21, 2007
(Citizen)cactoblastaMay 21, 2007 07:34:45

I'm a fine man. Like any fine wine I'm not for everyone.

you will get NO ARGUEMENT out of me about this, you ARE a fine man! period. When I was a drinking man, I liked all wine BTW. heh heh
on May 21, 2007
In fact I'm all in favour of public figures being attacked with pies. By making our public figures ridiculous we make them human. A tyrant can never exist where the people think their leaders worthy of ridicule rather than fear.

Thank you for illustrating a point I would like to make. It isn't fear that is is respect and decorum. Throwing pies at public officials because they have differing points of view is not acceptable no matter which side of the political aisle you are from.

I'd be happier if the Michael Moores and (insert other leftist American of your choice here) were also hit with pies, but conservatives seem to have a foolish tendency to get angry rather than to go for practical jokes, so that doesn't seem to happen much (can anyone even name a funny right-wing satire?)

Pie in the face slapstick is funny if you are a Stooge. Conservatives who are angry might be considered justified considering what Doc was asking to begin with. What are Colleges teaching...slapstick 101? And in this instance I use "pie throwing" to indicate any of the outrageous practices that are ALLOWED on campus in relation to speakers and honorees who were invited by the college to be there. Not only do I consider the quoted young'un to be wasting his time...but also a pretty solid chunk of change on an education that is doing him no durn good.
on May 22, 2007

Pie in the face slapstick is funny if you are a Stooge.

It all goes to time and place.  Wearing swim fins is appropriate and fine for a day at the beach, or in a 3 Stooges movie, but hardly the place at a formal dinner or even an evening at the theater.

on May 30, 2007
Reminds me of the hand-on-thigh story. Appropriate sometimes, not appropriate at other times.

~Take me back to Trantor~
on May 30, 2007

Reply By: Jythier

An Asimov fan!

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