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Southern Fires
Published on May 11, 2007 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Some of us have been reading about how bad the fires are down in Georgia and Florida.  And California.  ut not being there, it often takes on a surrealism that we dont associate with.  Until something hits home.

Here is a letter from my Aunt.  Apparently it is a lot worse than we have been hearing (and why is the MSM JUST talking about Catalina???)

The smoke is really bad here in Tarpon Springs.  Visibility is less than 1/4 mile.  They have closed the courthouse and several other government buildings in Tarpon Springs.  It is bad also in Tampa, St. Petersburg, south to Sarasota and north of Tampa.  There is a smoke advisory, the air pollution is 150%, and they are recommending even healthy people stay indoors.
Dad played tennis this morning, and he said there was ash all over the tennis court.  He said he couldn't even see the water when he passed Craig Park.
There are fires all over Florida, but all the smoke today is coming from the fires in northern Florida and southern Georgia.

Mason and Donna, how bad is down your way?

I am saying a prayer for all you guys as this is bad for a lot of folks down there. (My Aunt is on Oxygen, so this is especially troubling for us).

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 11, 2007
YES! After 40 years, that one is still number one! I am glad to see that as my "baby" is 14 1/2!

although my 2 year old does ask to watch "hardball" and "news" with daddy, lol

he says "can we watch haaaadbol daddy?"

makes me proud!
on May 11, 2007
lol nice barney tangent guys. Weren't we originally discussing fires in Florida? haha this is why I like JU.
on May 11, 2007
But on a serious note, I saw on the news that there might be a storm brewing, so hopefully it will come and put some of the fires out. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
on May 11, 2007
although my 2 year old does ask to watch "hardball" and "news" with daddy, lol

Sad to say, I use to watch Jerry Springer. WHen my Sister moved in (when she separated from her husband), my Nephew and I use to watch it together.

She hates me to this day for that!
on May 11, 2007
lol nice barney tangent guys. Weren't we originally discussing fires in Florida? haha this is why I like JU.

nanananana! Ommmmm!!!!! Fires! yes, fires! Gollum likes fires!

Strange how some topics take off!   
on May 11, 2007
But on a serious note, I saw on the news that there might be a storm brewing, so hopefully it will come and put some of the fires out. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Mason said it was petering out. So I guess the heros are going to have to do this one on their own. I hope for my aunt's sake they do soon. They are real heros.
on May 13, 2007
I couldn't comment before...problems logging on...

Anway, it's been some days of thick, bad smelling smoked-filled air for us here because we're centrally located. We're farther away from it not to worry but the windy weather brings it to us. Although there was fire a little closer as of two days ago, still nothing for us to worry about here. The weather has been overcast today so hopefully it will rain. But so far, no rain. The smoke burns the eyes, throat and nose and makes breathing difficult. I kept my son home from school one day last week when it was at its worst but as of today, much better!
on May 13, 2007
Suuuuuuurrrre, Doc. We come within a football field's length of losing our town last year, and this year you're all sympathetic 'cuz these folks can't breathe in the smoke. I see how it is! No respect, I tells ya! (LOL!)

But seriously, maybe they'll follow our trend. We have playa lakes again, something we haven't had for a substantial length of time since I moved here.
on May 13, 2007
Her description is pretty accurate. It's been really bad here air quality-wise for a few days now. I live just East of Tampa (same county), and today is the first day in a few that I could actually see some of the clouds above the smoke.

The sky was still really hazy but at least I could make out a few patches of blue and a few clouds.

It just started thundering a few minutes ago and putting down a little light rain, but so far it's not nearly heavy enough to wash the smoke and ash out of the air. I'm hoping it cuts loose with a heavy rain for a little while as it will make the air breathable again.

I just hope the lightening doesn't start yet more fires.
on May 13, 2007
smoke burns the eyes, throat and nose and makes breathing difficult

Yes it does. I just called my mom (she was on the phone with one of my other siblings), but I dont think it is getting down that far. I guess I will know when she calls back.

Happy Mother's Day Forever! Hope it is a great one!
on May 13, 2007
Suuuuuuurrrre, Doc. We come within a football field's length of losing our town last year, and this year you're all sympathetic 'cuz these folks can't breathe in the smoke. I see how it is! No respect, I tells ya! (LOL!)


Thanks for that. In reality this one is hitting closer to home (family). I know you guys did a hell of a job last year. Here is hoping that was a one time event for you.

No respect? Phht! Like I really care about a Texan!
on May 13, 2007
I just hope the lightening doesn't start yet more fires.

The good with the bad I guess. Hopefully the rain will pick up, and the lightening not.

Take care! You and Donna (as well as my mother and her sisters) are not exactly in paradise right now.
on May 14, 2007
ih heard the smoke in n. fla. shut down 2 interstates yesterday
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