Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on January 25, 2007 By Dr Guy In Current Events

I will admit I don't watch the View.  For a couple of reasons.  I work during the day, and I cannot stand Rosie Odumbel.  But apparently a lot of people do.  It is apparently very popular in its time slot.

I do listen to talk Radio.  Glenn Beck and Rush mostly.  Why?  I can stream them on the Internet while I am working (which means I catch about 1/4 of the shows as I am working - but I do like background noise).  Of course the audience size of The View and Talk Radio are no where comparable.  Probably for the reason that I mentioned why I catch one, and not the other.  But even if I could stream The View, I would not.

Why?  Is anyone really going to ask that seriously?  On one, you have a bunch of frustrated females that have decided that anything bad that happens is not due to god, or happenstance, but "A Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" (in other words, a bunch of Hillary sycophants).  On the other, you get biting humor, facts from the non-MSM media., and commentary on why liberals cannot laugh, and in so doing, make us laugh at the idiocy of some of the crap that passes for news and pontification from the "Saviour's".

But I do catch some of the clips from the View.  Where?  On talk radio as they go off sounding like the worst contestants on American Idol!  And then go off and decide that the constitution should be thrown away - why?  Because they don't like a politician!

It is unfortunate that some of these Grima Wormtongues are actually taken seriously by mindless fans that cannot form a cognizant thought on their own.  But it is not surprising.  Should the democrats somehow prevail and somehow stiffle free speech with an aborted version of the "Fairness" act, not only will talk radio die, but so will Rosie and company (re: Loon Joy Behar) on TV.  TV is media as well.

Come to think of it, I will hate the silence of my workplace, but not the silence of Rosie and joy.  But then a lot of mindless idiots probably will complain that they no longer have any brains to think with.  Which in their case is an oxymoron.

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Jan 26, 2007

Enough already!

Yes ma'am.

2 Pages1 2