Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Or, Substitute Pictures
Published on August 1, 2006 By Dr Guy In Current Events

We have all been treated to the daily horror of the Israelis as they kill those innocent civilians and gun down defenseless Palestinians.  Who has not seen these pictures?  And 30, 20 or even 10 years ago, that would have been the end of the story.  Burn the Heathens!  Baby Killers!  How barbaric!

But as the old saying goes, "statistics don't lie, but liars use statistics".  In today's world, thanks to the blogosphere, we should now update it to say "Pictures don't lie, but liars use Pictures".  In this case I am talking about what passes (laughingly) for the Mainstream Media.  For in the movie above, and the links below, you can see not only how wounds are faked, but so are death totals.  And our grand and glorious MSM swallows the lies and perpetuates them.  In the guise of "reporting" the news.

When in actual fact, they are not reporting news, they are reporting propaganda by their handlers.  Those they pay to make it look much worse or even to look bad when there is no there there. (no Story).

It is disgusting, but not surprising that the 4th estate has become nothing more than a mouth piece for the enemies of America and its Allies.  Gone are the days when they actually sought the truth.  Now they make it up (Rathergate) or just allow their handlers to spoon feed it to them so they can disgorge it upon an unsuspecting populace.

But the difference between 30, 20 or 10 years ago and today is the blogosphere.  And it has a nasty habit of exposing their sloth, incompetence, and downright lies.  And they hate it for that very reason.

There are no more Ernie Pyles, or Edward R. Murrows.  Instead, today, we have frick and frack, the clown twins.  And pictures are not worth a single word.  At least not the ones the MSM tries to pass off as news.

Read and laugh.  No point in getting angry.  They are too incompetent to realize their own stupidity and arrogance.  But at least the public can get the truth now.  Through unedited photos and videos and time stamped ones.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 02, 2006
Here's a doosie. Hard to read that without gagging...
on Aug 03, 2006

Here's a doosie. Hard to read that without gagging...

Actually, as it clearly is a humor site, I think it is just in poor taste. (Of Course it is a humor site!  just bad humor!).

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