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Another day older and not deeper in debt!
Published on July 12, 2006 By Dr Guy In Blogging

Yep!  for the past 5 days (today being one we did not have to), my son and I mulched the back 40.  It looks really nice now (we bordered it before hand - which the previous owners never did and why the mulch was always ending up in the grass part of the yard).  But all total, I estimate we picked up and spread over 12 cubic yards of the stuff.  For those slow on the calc button, a cubic yard is 27 cubic feet.  If you buy your mulch from Home Depot, you get about 2-3 cubic feet per bag.

So yes, it was a lot of Mulch! (I having a pick up truck - hey!  I am Male and Southern!) went and picked up the mulch from the dump.  Dont laugh!  It is top grade except it is not treated with formaldehyde, so is susceptible to termites (but it is not near the house and our house is treated ever year).  It is all organic, so no, we did not get any pop bottles or styrofoam in it.

But while they used a loader to put it in the pickup, I had to take it out.  A shovel full at a time.  In 90+ degree heat and humidity. Into a wheel barrel, where I trucked it to the back part of the yard and dumped it so my son could spread it.

So my wife got a huge garden that she can now plant to her hearts content (we black papered it first).

And what did I get?  A tan to beat George Hamilton.  A loss of about 15 pounds.  Some good muscles.  An aching shoulder.  And exhausted!  And the right to call my wife a Gringo since I am darker than her now!

And my son?  I got him an iPod Mini.  Pretty good deal all around (except the shoulder).

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Jul 13, 2006

you don't wanna know what happens when this Shovel does 16 loads!

The Septic tank backs up?

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