Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on March 3, 2006 By Dr Guy In Blogging

Yes, enough is enough. We had another walk out. I learned of it belately as I was gone for a dozen days. And this one was by a major one in terms of posts and presense. Ok, it happens. She did it before. But I think those that are trying to turn every statement, every response into a "us vs them" thing are way out of line. It has already spawned other flame wars, that are just plain stupid due to not understanding. And it has spawned other blogs for the same reason.

Ok, I have written one of these before and gotten flamed for it. But I will tell you now that I will not stop when I see friends, albeit cyber ones, going off on other friends for no other reason than you cant see the wink of an eye, the sly smile, note the sarcasm in the voice or other reasons for mis-understanding.

Several of us have been branded traitors. By ones own hand. Others are accused of kicking the dead. For making a statement not related to the whole kerfluffle. Well excuse the hell out of me. Sometimes a cigar is just a good smoke!

Gideon is having some problems locally, and wrote about it. But it had to be about S&S. How egotistical! I read his blog and did not see any connection (but I will plead that I was unaware of the controversy when first read as I was still in catch up mode). So I made a comment agreeing with him. Now I am sniping! Excuse the hell out of me! SO I cannot comment on a respected collegues blog on his subject matter without it being sniping?

This has just gotten so out of hand.

For the record, I will state, JU is not LW! She was a part of it, a big part, but it is not her. Not everything one writes is about her. Not every comment is directed towards her. And for those doubting it, I mentioned her in my only comment referencing her. DO you not see how egotistical that is? How so self centered that is? God I pity the ones that don’t.

But you know what? There are a lot of other people here. Many I do care about. Gideon is one. Moderateman is another. I made comments and wrote blogs on their problems, not hers. I know some are very upset she has left. So you are going to trash anyone that is not wearing black and ripping flesh at her leaving? You can call her friend, or acquaintance, or soul mate. But she is just a person, same as you and I. And not the source, object or karma of every comment!

Frankly I am sick. Sick of the innuendo that every time we say "I think" it must be about her. Or "perhaps" we are judging the debate! You know quite frankly, as I was not here, I don’t give a diddly damn about who was right or wrong! This is Brad's site by the grace of Brad! I have gotten on his bad side, but at least I was smart enough to pull back and let it cool!

We all know that. I doubt many of the more "hot" bloggers have not crossed swords with Brad on one occasion or another. And guess what? We are still here. So we KNOW.

But what we don’t know is why this has to be a +/- thing! Why when I say "I Know what you mean" to Gideon on a blog the internal politics of his church, that it becomes sniping at LW? He was not talking about her, and neither was I! Shock! WOW! Shazaam!

It has gotten to the point that if anyone says anything, even HI, others are screaming "what do you mean by that!" That may be great for a peyton place, but hardly a mature adult community.

Oh, excuse me! Now I will get flamed for that comment as well!

Look, You want me to talk about you, I will name you! Or make damn sure you know it is you I am talking about. On my blog, outside the forums, I will write what ever I damn well please. But in the forums, I will name names if that is what is called for. I do not pussy foot around.

And neither do most of the people I respect and admire here. They say what they mean and mean what they say. So all the psychoanalyzers, go home! And stop reading things that do not exist. The only ones you are fooling is yourself.

Sometimes a Cigar is just a good smoke.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 04, 2006

shoots it across the cyber room... veshhhhhhhh>>>>>>>>

Now can we get back to reading what our friends write and not projecting on what they did not say?

on Mar 04, 2006

That wasn't directed at anyone in particular Tex... Just some advice to Guy on how not to let the JU drama eat at him.

I was doing well to ignore it for a long time, but after Shades decided to drag me in, and then the latest blow up between a couple of respected bloggers, I did let it get to me.

And the calm voice of reason from out west speaks again!


on Mar 04, 2006

everyone needs a hug once in a while!!!!!

Thanks KFC!  You are always the peacemaker.  I really appreciate it.

on Mar 04, 2006
Dr. Guy. My apologies for mistaking your comment about Simon to be about LW. However, my intent still stands. There's no point in namecalling someone who can't defend themselves. And, it wasn't a secret to anyone that you and LW didn't get along--so my conclusion was probably shared by many. But, like I said, I am sorry for my mistake.

And please, I am as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours. I am quite allowed to let you know what I think, just as you can write and entire flame article about me. And I don't appreciate your implying otherwise (which you seem to do anytime my opinion doesn't align with yours). I'm not here to argue with anyone, and I try to do my best to stay out of the flames. I have taken no side in the LW/Simon/Brad thing, and there is little that you are going to say that will change that. Last time I checked, you weren't in it either, so my making a comment to you does not throw us both into a fight.

Dr. Guy--Really, I'm flattered to have finally had an entire flame directed at me, and that you are "blaming" me for dragging you into a flame. Funny, but I was pretty sure that you commented on something I said to Gid that was clearly an attempt to put me on a side. If you didn't want to be involved, you should have kept your mouth shut. I didn't force you into anything--you engaged.

We aren't going to agree here--so let's agree to disagree.
on Mar 04, 2006

Dr. Guy--Really, I'm flattered to have finally had an entire flame directed at me,

I am sorry to say that you are not the target of the whole flame article, but you were one of the lynchpins that got me going.  But one of several as I have stated in the article.

And, it wasn't a secret to anyone that you and LW didn't get along--so my conclusion was probably shared by many.

And that is incorrect.  For while she decided she did not like me, I never responded in kind.  My only article about the whole thing, that did not go into the forums, so was on my personal blog, lamented that perhaps she had a problem with not having enemies, so she creates them.  It was not a flame at her, nor meant to rile her.  Basically when she decided she did not like me, I ignored her.  JU was and is big enough for all of us.

Yes you are entitled to your opinion.  And I will not change it here.  But I do not like being accused of something that I took pains not to do.  It comes down to the damned if you do, and damned when you dont.

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