Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Or why intelliigence is not a requirement for Office
Published on January 20, 2010 By Dr Guy In Politics

A few days late, but not any less great!  Our (un)beloved (now ex) governor, head of the Donkey Nutjob Clowns (DNC) is now just a blight on the history of this great commonwealth.  But before we bid a welcome good-bye, let us reminisce on some of his last great statements:

On seeing a demonstration against raising road taxes (if the worse recession since the great depresion according to his masters), he told the crowd - "Then stay off the road!"  Such a nice guy.  Does this mean that all the taxes they had already paid went to the Donkey Clowns?

On why Biden was a good VP choice for Virginia - "He comes from a state that bordres Virgina."  While I accept we have to live with carpet baggers (NY actually encourages them to move to the state), why cant they at least know the geography of the state?

Upon being asked what he was going to do for tourism in Virginia, he said "Close 2/3 of the rest stops".  Yea,make Virginia a welcome place!

The list goes on and on, but not at least there will be no more additions to the list of the (ig)noble Ted Matthews - AKA TIm Kaine.  But it is as it should be, for the real Ted Matthews is now in DC, and some actually call him Mr. Vice President!  2 peas in a pod.

Take my ex-governor - please!

on Jan 21, 2010

Doc, people are starting to wake up to what liberals are after, thanks to your ex-governor and our current president. They gambled with the hope that people will be quiet long enough to get their agenda done. they took too long and now it is too late. 60 years of hard work down the drain if we are lucky. If things continue like this Rush Limbaugh will be forced to retire by 2016.

on Jan 21, 2010

Another one that I loved was when Kaine was saying how great the Commonwealth is for business and then decrying the fact that the republicans in the General Assembly were so bad for denying him his tax increases (note the plural).  it never occurred to him that perhaps the commonwealth did so well due to the fact we DID NOT increase taxes.  That concept is totally incomprehensible to him!

on Jan 21, 2010

Doc what area of Virginia do you hang your hat in? I'm south-east. I guess we share the same political land fill.

on Jan 21, 2010

Nitro Cruiser
Doc what area of Virginia do you hang your hat in? I'm south-east. I guess we share the same political land fill.

Hmmm, my old home town (Born in  Norfolk).  I call Richmond home now.

on Jan 21, 2010

I call Richmond home now.

That's starting to become the DC suburbs! LOL. I'm originally from PA, the coal country area, not far from the Oldest Brewery in the US.

on Jan 21, 2010

That's starting to become the DC suburbs!

Please dont remind me!  It would be a nice place except for that!

not far from the Oldest Brewery in the US.

I'll drink to that!